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Change Log:

* 2013/05/02: TODO now also matched TBD. Plus, TODO search highlights matched
* 2013/04/28: Directory output now lists most recent commit with every
* 2013/04/16: History commit messages now try to "collapse" rather than extend
multiple lines. Cleaner output.
* 2013/04/07: TODO searching now more lax, and displays as red when decor
* 2013/02/05: Quickjumping, with formatting to indicate matches.
* 2013/02/03: Adding cleaner, more functional Markdown buttons to editing
* 2013/01/31: Adding button to disable live preview.
* 2013/01/27: Adding "Table of Contents" checkbox and hotkey, similar to
* 2013/01/21: "Commit and Edit," for committing changes thus far but keeping on
editing while saving place in the editor.
* 2013/01/20: TODO syntax and searching.
* 2013/01/19: Implementing "escaping" of wikilink/functionlink syntax.
* 2013/01/19: Implementing the ability to have a CSV password file.
* 2013/01/19: Modularizing login mechanisms.
* 2013/01/17: Live preview works with functions.
* 2013/01/16: "Plain" diff output, additional wikilink syntax for "functions"
links (works on backend, still needs frontend work for live preview).
* 2013/01/14: "Raw" output of files.
* 2013/01/14: CSV handling.
* 2013/01/13: Added "partitioning" of files to easy split large documents into
component parts and automatically generating collections to "stitch" them
* 2012/12/17: Added "Cherrypicking" of changes.
* 2012/12/16: Improved caching, added access key combo to search box.
* 2012/12/13: Implemented low-level caching. De-hoverized the diff output pages.
* 2012/12/10: Better cursor/caret indicator to the right (causes less errors).
Better blame coloring.
* 2012/12/07: Changing scroll synchronization semantics, replacing the less
accurate scroll position synchronization with the synchronization of a more
accurate cursor position.
* 2012/12/06: Modified TOC to be "snappable," depending on browser window width.
* 2012/12/04: Adding "Decorations" checkbox, as well as "Other options" dropdown
for economic use of space.
* 2012/12/02: Live-preview word count, plus improved decorations to show
dialog/annotations reasonably in live preview window.
* 2012/11/29: {Introduced new annotation syntax.}[a7b]
* 2012/11/28: Added resize window height persistence, as well as additional
styling tweaks.
* 2012/11/25: Added "live preview," along with side-by-side editing of Markdown
* 2012/11/18: Adding a "What Links Here" button to articles.
* 2012/11/12: Improving/coloring diff output.
* 2012/11/11: Adding annotation shortcuts from editing interface
* 2012/11/10: Previewing edits now attempts to scroll edit/preview windows to
relevant edited content (last scroll position)
* 2012/11/09: Adding "as" parameter to index.php page viewers to allow for
overrides on renderer of choice.
* 2012/11/05: Adding "wrap" suffix for outputting 80-character width column
wrapping mode.
* 2012/11/04: Adding version-aware stats page.
* 2012/10/23: Hover highlighting of "dialog" elements.
* 2012/09/08: Added directory counts to views. Also, drafts might be working.
* 2012/09/05: Halfway through drafts. Saving, but no way to retrieve.
* 2012/08/29: Search now searches on both file name and file contents. File name
search is case sensitive.
* 2012/08/28: Moving directories around no longer puts working directory in
invalid state.
* 2012/08/19, part 2: Search box in non-stupid place. Last visited listing in
navigation bar.
* 2012/08/19: Corrected Git repo configuration to support pushes into a non-bare
* 2012/08/15: Got internal linking working with table of contents generation.
Also, searching.
* 2012/08/12: Adding basic pieces/parts for collections.
* 2012/08/09: Changed linking syntax from single square brackets to double
square brackets for mysterious reasons.
* 2012/08/06: Delete and move appears to be working.
* 2012/08/05: Basic delete functionality working.
* 2012/08/04: Directory views and navigation appear to work. 

{a7b}: Following some of the conventions of the link references already existing
in Markdown.