
/usr/bin/git --git-dir=/var/lib/giterary/repo/Giterary//.git --work-tree=/var/lib/giterary/repo/Giterary/ diff --word-diff=plain   -U9999 --inter-hunk-context=9999 --diff-algorithm=patience '9e8e2fdde1836f021c9700ba9460ee0debeda318~' '9e8e2fdde1836f021c9700ba9460ee0debeda318' -- ''
fatal: empty string is not a valid pathspec. please use . instead if you meant to match all paths

Return code: 128
From: git
Diff // Giterary
Diff for [[]] (Commits: 9e8e2f, 9e8e2f, Maintaining assocations for 'AUTHOR' )
fatal: empty string is not a valid pathspec. please use . instead if you meant to match all paths